City Freeholds Appoints MPN for Wentworth Point Development
MPN has recently been appointed to deliver Structural Engineering services to Stage 1 of the Hill Road, Wentworth Point development for City Freeholds Projects. Located on the western shore of Homebush Bay, the site is currently occupied by several warehouse buildings, some of which were originally designed by MPN some 50 years ago. The site will be redeveloped for residential use in four stages.
Stage 1 consists of two ten storey buildings containing 207 apartments, 8 foreshore townhouses, landscaped podium with swimming pool, car parking and a network of roads that will service all four sites. Some of the more difficult challenges of this project include deep soft clay soil conditions with a potential for large settlements, a tanked basement due to a high water table and the need to match existing and future finished ground levels where thoroughfare is required to adjoining properties.