The MPN Team

The MPN Team - Structural Design & Engineering


Our executive and senior project team leaders are some of the most respected engineers in the industry. With offices in Sydney NSW, the Gold Coast QLD and London UK, all MPN services are delivered via our in-house project teams, managed by highly experienced senior engineers for the entirety of the project.


George Perl – Director
BSc BE(Hons) MEngSc MIEAust CPEng NER

A co-director of MPN, George has over 36 years of experience in the design and construction industry and has worked on iconic projects throughout Australia, and internationally including New Zealand, USA, UK, North Africa, the Middle East and Europe. George is a 'hands-on' director and actively participates on team projects from design concept through to construction documentation, including construction planning and site works.

Viktor Mateffy – Director
BE(Hons) MEngSc MIEAust CPEng NER

Responsible for the co-management of MPN, Viktor has over 33 years of industry experience. Focussing on structural designs for both new and old structures, Viktor specialises on renovation, renewal and re-purposing existing and heritage buildings for new uses and/or loading conditions, including related repairs and strengthening works for such re-cycling of valuable infrastructure.


Adrian Brunker – Project Lead & Senior Engineer

Starting at MPN in 2013 and accumulating a broad range of design, construction and on-site experience, Adrian delivers detailed design documentation and site inspections for retail, commercial, industrial and residential projects. Adrian has a solid understanding of the issues encountered by architects, builders and contractor, enabling him to optimise buildability, project efficiency and outcomes.

Michael Sara – Senior Associate
BE(Hons) MIEAust CPEng NER

A Senior Associate at MPN, Michael has over 31 years of industry experience. His responsibilities include management of major projects and preparing concept and detail design documentation for a diverse project portfolio. Though he has a broad project experience Michael’s primary area of expertise is in prestress concrete design and structural steel design.

Paul Bezkorovainy – Senior Associate
BE(Hons) MIEAust CPEng NER

Paul has over 20 years of design and construction industry experience, managing a diverse portfolio of projects and preparing detail design documentation. Proactive and client focussed, Paul specialises in design and detailing of structures utilising reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, structural steel, composite steel, load-bearing masonry and timber.

Catherine Taylor – Senior Associate
BE(Hons) MIEAust CPEng NER

Catherine has over 30 years of professional experience in Australia, UK and New Zealand. A structural engineer with extensive on-site experience, Catherine's expertise includes prestressed concrete, steel and timber, assessment of increased loading of existing structures, carbon fibre strengthening and computer modelling/design for earthquake requirements of large buildings.

Philip Jones – Project Lead QLD & Senior Engineer

Leading our Gold Coast (QLD) team, Philip Jones has impressive industry experience and has worked on a diverse portfolio of projects since starting with MPN in 2011. Philip’s areas of specialisation include the design and detailing of projects that require reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, structural steel, composite steel, load-bearing masonry, and timber structures.

Andrew Murray – Senior Engineer
BE(Hons) MIEAust

Andrew is a structural engineer over 5 years experience at MPN. He has worked on a range of complex developments including retail, residential and industrial, and is proficient in structural dynamic analysis and the design of reinforced and post-tensioned concrete. He consistently finds efficient solutions to complex architectural and engineering challenges.

Nick Zheng Ni – Structural Engineer

With a Masters of Engineering degree from University of Sydney and over 12 years of industry experience, Nick Zheng Ni has built an impressive portfolio of completed projects across a diverse range of industry sectors including Retail, Commercial, Mixed-Use, Education and Residential. A valued part of the MPN team, Nick is a Member of the Institute of Engineers Australia.

Kieran Nicoll – Graduate Engineer
BEng(Hons) BBus UTS GradIEAust

Kieran Nicoll started with MPN as part of our Undergraduate Intern program. On completing his Bachelor of Engineering (civil) with first class honours BE(hons) and a Bachelor of Business with credit (BBus) from UTS, he earned himself a role with MPN as a Graduate Engineer. Throughout his participation in our Undergraduate Intern program, Kieran impressed us all with his work ethic, passion for engineering and ability to work well within a team environment.


Troy Young – Drafting Lead & BIM Manager
ADip StructEng

Troy has extensive local and international, design and construction industry experience working on diverse range of projects and locations. Troy leads our MPN Drafting Team and is developing our Building Information Technology (BIM) processes. Troy has pioneered and successfully implemented innovative technologies and kept MPN up to date with industry trends and benchmarks.

Jack Sharpe – Senior Draftsperson
ADip StructEng

With nearly 40 years of industry experience Jack brings a vast wealth of knowledge to MPN. Working closely with the design team, Jack offers pragmatic solutions for the documentation for a wide range of constructions for larger clients, including major shopping centres, high rise and residential precincts. His projects range from feasibility studies, through to implementation and commissioning.

Michael Beaver – Senior Draftsperson
Drafting Trades, Struct Eng CertIV

With extensive local and international experience and a career spanning 20 years, Michael has worked on numerous high profile projects both in Australia and the UK. Michael has a solid Revit foundation skill set, in conjunction with advanced CAD systems management knowledge. He actively utilises the latest in BIM practises in conjunction with his interoperability skills.

Phil York – Senior Draftsperson
ADip StructEng ADip Bus(Mgt)

Phil has over 30 years of industry experience working on projects across Australia, UK, Ireland and Canada. He enjoys complex detailing and problem solving and with his extensive project experience, has proven proficiency in all forms of structural design, including structures requiring reinforced and post tensioned concrete, steel framed buildings, shoring and footing systems.

Karolina Nelson (Lisiecka) – Structural Draftsperson
AdvDip EngDes DipProjMgt

Karolina has over 5 years of experience in the design and construction industry. An integral member of the MPN drafting team, her responsibilities include preparing detailed drawings and documentations of various buildings with both CAD and Revit. Karolina is also actively engaged in helping to improve and maintain drafting processes in BIM modelling and computational design. She continues to build her experience with varying building design concepts and material including reinforced and prestressed concrete, steel, precast and timber.

For further information contact MPN